Hello world!

Hi, it’s Salvatore and this is my new website. Stay tuned… I’ll have great things to share!

First, I would like to tell you about myself and how I started this work

Make the Leap to Home Business Success

I am Italian, and when I was 47 years old I lost my job, and I assure you it was really hard for me not to lose my mind.

I tried to look for a new job, but I realized that no one was looking for a 50-year-old man who could not speak any foreign language.

All the job offers were looking for young guys who spoke at least 3 languages and had experience. It was so hard to accept this reality. One day while looking for a job, I saw a message on the Internet proposing an online earning system. I honestly didn’t have much confidence, but being a curious person I decided to look into the topic of “earning online”.

From that moment a new world opened up in front of me. I started to spend my days informing myself, at that time online work was not as well known as it is today, after Covid so many things have changed, and especially in Italy there was hardly any talk about it. Most of the opportunities came from America, and I couldn’t find anything in Italian anyway.

I forgot to tell you that I did not speak English, and so did most of the Italians.

To make a long story short, I decided to work online, and do you know what the first thing my wife said to me when I told her my decision? Are you crazy? Why don’t you look for a real job?

But I am hard-headed. And so my online adventure began. The first three years were very hard. I had to learn everything from scratch, I felt like I was back in the grade school. But do you know what the worst thing was? That I could earn almost nothing. In fact, I was often losing money.

I would spend my days writing messages on Facebook looking for earnings. Most of the jobs I was finding gave these suggestions: work on social, just share the opportunity to change your life. I would follow their advice, post on FB every day and then stay up even until 3 a.m. waiting for someone to respond to my messages and ask for INFO.

If I think of those moments now, I smile, but I assure you that in those moments I felt like a loser, and I was reminded of my wife’s words: get a real job! But once again I decide not to stop, and at some point I discover the world of Affiliate Marketing thanks to a company that sold Software and paid a recurring commission for each sale.

But you know what the problem was? It was all in English, and I didn’t understand it. But that didn’t stop me, I go ahead and start my training journey that led me to meet the owner of this company. I still remember attending meetings on zoom where I understood almost nothing, but I followed carefully everything the CEO taught on a technical level, and slowly I began to have my first successes.

After a couple of years (and we are now five years into my venture) I already had a lot of clients using that marketing platform and earning me a nice monthly amount of money. I decided to help other Italians do the same thing, and in agreement with the CEO I started translating the whole platform into Italian. That was the beginning of my ascent, which led me to being among the top 10 affiliates worldwide and earning 5-figure sums.

I was officially in the Affiliate Marketing world and teaching others to do the same thing.

A year later I decided to start Network Marketing as well, and within not even a year I became number two in Italy with the company I had decided to work with, and I had thousands of people in my structure.

But like all good things they were short-lived. In my second year in business, I learned my lesson. Every business needs its own time to be learned in the right way. I continued to work hard so that I could learn how to run multiple businesses at the same time. And day after day, month after month, year after year, my skills continue to grow and along with it my earnings.

The third act of my adventure has led me to decide to share my journey and experience with anyone who is willing to work to make themselves financially independent. I have created a Viral Network System , which helps everyone to achieve results in the field of Affiliate Marketing and Network Marketing even without any experience.

Now I am asking myself, will you be next?

The good news is that the cost of failure on the Internet is very small. In the “brick and mortar” world you need to evaluate things very carefully before you decide to open up a business. It’s almost always necessary to invest thousands of dollars to get an offline business off the ground. However, on the Internet you can often start a successful business for less than $100. In fact, Plug-In Profit Site is a really good example of this.

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