Turn Long Videos into Irresistible Content!
Utilize this Netflix Binge Strategy in Your Videos!
You dispatch an email to your list to promote your webinar recording.
Naturally, you may not refer to it as a webinar recording since some individuals prefer not to watch a lengthy hour or two recording.
They enjoy the content in the email.
Click through to the replay page.
Enjoy the text on that page… “This is intriguing! Perhaps I want to purchase this… hmmm… let me click on this video…”
“Two hours in length??”
“No chance.”
They shut the page.
And you simply lost them.
What occurred?
They appreciated your email content. They truly enjoyed your message on the page. However, when they clicked on the video and noticed its length, they left.
What can you do to resolve this?
Some ideas…
Initially, inform them what they will UNCOVER in the video. Promote the video, not the item. Make it clear that the video contains valuable, applicable information. Create a powerful sense of intrigue and the fear of missing out if they choose not to view it.
You could consider this stage like a film preview… revealing just enough of the highlights to draw them in and leave them eager for more.
Secondly, avoid making the video two hours lengthy.
Or even sixty minutes long.
Keep it around 10 minutes long.
“Hold on! I can’t market my program in 10 minutes!”
You don’t need to since you’ll use multiple videos.
Here’s the crucial part…
In the opening video, start off strong and quickly present them with something valuable, like a major benefit and what actions they should take to attain it. Skip the detailed instructions on how to do it, as you will cover that in the paid course.
Then inform them about what you will reveal next…
Here, you can either utilize a script that automatically plays the second video, or if that’s not an option, provide them with the link.
The conclusion of the first video entices them to view the second video. The conclusion of the second video encourages them to watch the third video. They are binge-watching your videos, a habit formed by streaming platforms such as Netflix.
In every video, softly inform them that while this information is valuable, paid members access the ultimate source of life-altering or business-altering insights. This approach offers several benefits…
You are acutely aware that every second of video must either deliver valuable information or persuade viewers to watch the next video. You don’t indulge in the business-crippling luxury of being dull.
And the viewer is drawn in gradually, much like a seduction. When executed well, there’s no chance they’ll want to skip what’s in the following video. During this time, viewers are being enticed to buy your product.